Recruitment Holiday Blend

Part of the Recruitment's mission is to find new younger producers in the regions we are working with and build a constant demand for the rest of their single origins which will later be their own brands. With this Holiday blend we wanted to continue with this mission of bringing along newer generations to the program and at the same time make them part of the holiday by adding some of Sebastian Ramirez Cinnamon coffee. This is a coffee that was build with 20% Sebastian Ramirez Cinnamon from Quindio and 80% Recruiment Lot from Antioquia and Cauca. It's a balanced cup, with the best attributes of the Recruitment: full and rounded body with a cinnamon and ginger flavor that will stay in your mind like a Christmas dessert!



/ lb - Green

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The Young Producer Program is not just about supporting the youth; it’s about highlighting those who have made a deliberate choice about their lives. They have chosen passion over other options. In this Community Lot, we aim to share our mission and recruit new members to the program. By doing so, we continue to learn about other origins, stories, and challenges faced by coffee producers. The program is a blend of small producers contributing to a larger lot to guarantee quality, year-round availability, and a consistent profile

Name of the farm:

Young Producer Program


Andes, Antioquia, Colombia


1800 - 2000 masl


Castillo, Colombia y Caturra


Washed and Honey Infused

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Unfortunately, this coffee is not available at the moment.